Twenty-first century science, and physics in particular, might have walls around itself.  Only when the old farts die off will science be able to accept what is apparent to the younger farts, that determinism is relative.  It is seductive to think that theory can control everything, and that there may be a theory of everything and all that.  I believe we are seduced by what I consider to be a bubble of determinism.  I can look into the immediate past and see what caused this or that to occur, and I speculate as a futurist into what stretches out in front of us based upon the principle that the past predicts the future.  Can I say the past is illimitable insofar as I can link causally everything that made this moment in time be what it is for me in my relativistic frame?  I think not.  And the same argument appears to hold for the futurists among us.  Therefore, if causality and determinism have a place in logic we cannot assume direct links connect everything into the past and into the future; we live  in a bubble of causality.

What lies outside the bubble?  Or, for that matter, what permeates our bubble universe of causality?  Is random “behavior” the rule and no potential for certainty exists?  Well—yes and no.  If the scale is large enough the probabilities mount up and random transmutes into certainty.  It looks like we are going to have to get ready for surprises in the middle area.  Things from our lives may “happen for a reason” but the extent of the reasonableness escapes us.  I cannot conform to the teleological force of the “reason” because there is not enough data to prove or to disprove that behavior—the rule of the hypothetical-deductive foundation of science suggested by Karl Popper.

Just know we are related and on some sixth level connected.  It is neither the totality of the hologram nor the linearity of Euclid but some “third” (or fourth, or fifth) thing which I can “see” if I do not focus my eyes too closely on the nearest object.