Nspacetime = 0

Nspacetime = 1

0 = 1

0 = spirit

1 = spirit

N0 spacetime = N1 spacetime

N0 spacetime = light matter

N1 spacetime = dark matter

Each N–N0 and N1–have unique laws of physics and interact according to them.  Notes, words, expressions of vibratory nature and relative levels of acceleration constitute N, 0 and 1.

Every part is of the whole and is entangled.

Parts are words, letters, narrative, poetry.

Notes are vibratory and interact on all levels, just as do words.

Matter and energy inform words, notes.

Dark and light inhabit dark universes and light universes and are organized into dark and light centers of energy/matter/spirit and interact and can be formed into structures, maps, essences of greater transparency or lesser transparency.  Quality is defined by transparency and dischord (discord) shapes transparency. Dischord and transparency coexist to bring about chiarascuro, depth, flatness, and limit.

We participate in this in real and in projected form.

If physics is the king of the sciences, then psychology is the monad of the sciences encompassing all sciences, spirit, chaos, order, elemental and civilization without end:  DISCUSS.